
  • SCCAB Considers complaints very seriously and deal with all

verified and fit to entertain complaint Multilateral

  • The SCCAB Policy for the complaints as follows
  • SCCAB entertain only its accredited clients complaints
  • SCCAB Entertain only those complaints which are related with

the procedures and policies

  • SCCAB ensure that the information of Complainant is


  • SCCAB ensures that we adopt a positive approach when

managing complaints with both complainant and respondent

  • SCCAB ensures we deal with complaints in a timely manner


  • Kindly write us at clearly and precisely


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Our approauch

Our multi-asset investment approach is aimed at what matters: helping you reach your desired outcomes. Portfolio management

is the heart of what we do. To help manage portfolios successfully, we believe five closely-connected capabilities are required.

When it all comes together. We have the five distinct capabilities that we believe are required to run money. It is the combination

of these capabilities that help us believe we're the world's leading provider of multi-asset solutions. And we have a purpose that

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