SCCAB accredits various companies and organizations including governmental
entities, commercial businesses, and professional associations. SCCAB accreditation programs are based on recognized national and international standards that ensure domestic and/or global acceptance of its accreditations.
SCCAB is adhering to accreditation criteria and to undergo periodic onsite evaluation to determine ongoing compliance with ISO/IEC Standard 17011, General Requirements for accreditation bodies accrediting conformity assessment bodies (CABS).
intende purpose
Accreditation adds value to the ever growing and increasingly complicated market chain in
many ways, including by providing a symbol of assurance that certifiers and inspectors are
independent and competent to perform their duties.
Accredited certification and inspection of products, processes and people-called conformity
assessment-has a ripple effect through the market chain, right to the consumer. It gives
consumers confidence that their purchases meet specified standards and are quality
assured. This includes retailers, wholesalers and individual consumers.
Accreditation is a means to establish confidence in the quality of products and services
worldwide, through mutual acceptance of results of services provided in compliance with
relevant standards of accreditation.
Accreditation is a symbol of assurance-a valuable asset in itself. The SCCAB symbol is a mark
of reliability and quality. It flags that a certifier or inspector can be counted on to impartially
determine if organizations, products and people conform to specified requirements. This
gives the competitive edge to the certifiers, inspectors and their client organizations.